It’s been awhile! Turns out that no matter how much I desire to so do, the time and mind power consumption of writing just doesn’t mesh with the summer demands of being a golf course superintendent. I’ve been jotting down lots of ideas, for a late-fall return. In the meantime, here’s a short one…
If your paying attention on a golf course, you’ll see some pretty cool ecological things. This morning, I was driving toward the first tee and drove by some strange looking big blue stem. We have lots of the prairie grass around the course and I see it everyday, this time it looked different.
It took me about 25 yards to realize what I’d just seen, then I backed up and took these photos.
When I drove by at speed, I didn’t immediately realize the marks I was seeing on the seedhead stalk,1 were grasshoppers. Once I realized what I was seeing, I saw it everywhere. I suspect the insects spend the night on the stalks, knowing the sun’s warmth will hit this area of the plant first.
Ecology like this is neat and if you keep your eyes open, you’ll see it everywhere.